Grayslake Middle School
440 North Barron Blvd.
Grayslake, IL 60030
Phone: (847) 223-3680
Attendance Hotline: (847) 223-3540 – x5103
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday – 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Grayslake Middle School
440 North Barron Blvd.
Grayslake, IL 60030
Phone: (847) 223-3680
Attendance Hotline:
(847) 223-3540, opt. 3, opt. 3
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday – 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
School Hours:
Normal Day: 8:45 am – 3:15 pm
Late Start Day: 10:05 am – 3:15 pm
Early Dismissal: 8:45 am – 11:45 am
November 2, 2023
8:30 a.m.
Dear CCSD 46 Community,
We are very glad to tell you that we have just been informed by Grayslake Police that new information has developed this morning, showing that the threat is even less credible, and has nothing to do with Grayslake. With this in mind, we will resume all business as usual in our schools, including having outdoor recess and P.E. We know that some of our students may be late to school today, as some families had chosen to keep their children at home, and may now be choosing to bring them to school.
We are grateful to the Grayslake Police for keeping us informed, and to Grayslake, Round Lake, and Round Lake Beach Police Departments for being present at our schools this morning.
Wishing all a good, safe day.
Dr. Lynn Glickman
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2 de noviembre de 2023
Estimada comunidad CCSD 46,
Estamos muy contentos de decirles que acabamos de ser informados por la Policía de Grayslake que la nueva información se ha desarrollado esta mañana, mostrando que la amenaza es aún menos creíble, y no tiene nada que ver con Grayslake. Sabemos que algunos de nuestros estudiantes pueden llegar tarde a la escuela hoy, ya que algunas familias habían optado por mantener a sus hijos en casa, y ahora pueden optar por llevarlos a la escuela.
Agradecemos a la Policía de Grayslake por mantenernos informados, y a los Departamentos de Policía de Grayslake, Round Lake y Round Lake Beach por estar presentes en nuestras escuelas esta mañana.
Deseando a todos un día bueno y seguro.
Dra. Lynn Glickman
[posted 11/02/23 – 8:30 a.m.]